On the road again

Siamo tornati a Detroit. La prossima tappa è Reno, Nevada, una città e uno stato in cui non abbiamo mai suonato.

Only after playing Blissfest in Harbour Springs did I really get the feeling we are on tour. It always takes a while to catch the tour wave! We’ve been six hours in a festival that lasted the whole weekend, but we were given a very warm welcome: we played two show, the second of which – on main stage – we really got everybody dancing: all of the audience, all of the crew, people in the administration office, everyone. As we got off stage we signed CDs for half an hour solid and ended up – surprise surprise – being the best selling artist at the festival’s CD tent. And this morning we go recognized in the café and a gentleman insisted for paying for our breakfast!

We are now back in Detroit. Next it’s Reno, Nevada, a city and a state we’ve never played before.

On the road

8 thoughts on “On the road again

  1. Fast

    Pippero…sembri un fattone col cane…il cane però dove l’hai messo? Scoppiato!
    Buon proseguimento raghi!

  2. Abigail

    I was at Blissfest too and I was one of the many who bought ONDA. Unfortunatly the bag that it was in was stolen. Is there any way I can order another from you guys? It would be great if you could help me out. I enjoyed your music so much, and I want to be able to listen to it at home. Enjoy the rest of your tour. I hope you enjoyed Bliss and will consider returning next year. I guarantee you’ll get a warm reception. Thank you.

  3. Tim

    Wow — great shows at Blissfest! We were one of the other bands there, and we wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed your sets (we saw most of your second stage set, then heard your main stage show as we were setting up on the second stage Sunday night).

    I wish our paths had crossed so that we could have told you personally how much we liked your music. Perhaps we’ll share another stage somewhere else in the world one day!

    I have some friends in Detroit, and I’m definitely telling them to catch your Concert of Colors show.

    All the best,
    Tim Halpin

  4. Alberto

    Thank you Abigail, Tim and Fast! We had a lot of fun at Blissfest, and we certainly hope to be back soon. Abigail, it’s actually pretty easy to order our CDs online. If you want a physical CD the easiest way is probably to do it directly from the record company (same day shipping, we are assured): just go to http://www.omnium.com/. If you want download iTunes seems the obvious choice.

  5. Ari

    Ehi, web 2.0… fate quanlcose per queste foto, deformi o giganti (il miosafari ha serie difficiltà…).
    E buona continuazione di tour oltremareoceano… Un abbraccio globale, guys!

  6. Alberto

    Non saprei cosa fare, la foto è ridotta utilizzando l’utility di esportazione (in formato jpg) di iPhoto. Io lo visualizzo con Firefox e si vede bene. Freddy?

  7. Freddy

    Ok Ari, se mi mandi le specifiche del tuo Safari (versione, O.S.) per posta (falcor77@tiscali.it) , vedo cosa può essere….i browser su cui ho testato il sito non mi davano problemi…Grazie!!!


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