The tour – let’s face it – did not start in the best of ways: Virginia Beach’s Festa Italia, though very atmospheric, had the problem of a sound crew that was simply not up the job, so we suffered all through the show. Luckily yesterday we got even by playing a really fun show at Globalquerque, a young (this was only the third edition) but up-and-coming festival held at Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The venue is spectacular: a large, beautiful and well-groomed Ispano-American Cultural Center, with two outdoor stages and an indoor theatre. Managed with competence and infectious enthusiasm by former world music label manager Tom Frouge and his partner Neal Copperman, the festival has great potential: they put together a good lineup, ranging from Baka Beyond to Chango Spasiuk and Global Drums Project (led by Grateful Dead’s drummer). We – modesty aside – kicked some serious butt. How do I know? Because the crowd got dancing at the third song, and we sold lots of Cds!
Now we are crossing Colorado. The scenery is very beautiful. I swear that I’ll upload a slideshow with some of Medhin’s pictures as soon as I get a chance.
ciao amici!!! yes, you did kick some serious culo in albuquerque! ora i am a fiamma fummana fan per la vita! thank you for comming- it was truly an honor for us. we don’t get many italian bands here! i hope you can come back here someday. ho parenti in lucca i forse in il futuro i’ll see you in italia. sorry my italiano kind of sucks.
Micha, your italiano positively rocks! One can hear the Tuscan in you. Thanks and ciao!