One down, one to go. And well i went, too. The Concert of Colors is held in the beautiful max Fischer Music Centre, essentially a theater with two rooms. Today we played for a pretty enthusiastic audience – a lot younger than our usual here, too – among which stood out.. the mondine, who had a go at dancing with these Detroit teenagers. The feeling between the ladies and the festival is obvious. And tomorrow is the great day!
Tag Archives: america
Le mondine a Detroit!The Mondine in Detroit!
Tra i ritardi dell’American Airlines e tutto è andata a finire che siamo andati a letto alle cinque del mattino, e ci siamo alzati tardi. Siamo usciti dalle torri nere del Marriott, proprio sul fiume Detroit, e C’ERANO LE MONDINE in fila per farsi una gita in battello sul fiume! Un po’ provate dal jet lag, ma contente. Con loro c’era anche Andrea Zambelli, il regista del film che stiamo facendo insieme a Davide Ferrario, ed Elizabeth, il suo tecnico del suono.
Le mondine a Detroit. Dopo tre anni di tentativi, ce l’abbiamo fatta a portarle in America. Sono molto orgoglioso di loro, di Davide e Andrea che, con la faccenda del film, hanno dato un’ulteriore spinta al progetto, di Steve Heath alla SRO Artists… e anche di noi. Qualunque cosa succederà ai FF in futuro, le mondine sono qui. E ce le abbiamo portate noi. E questo è un risultato, che nessuno potrà portarci via. Folk’s not dead, ragazzi….
The Mondine in Detroit!
What with American Airlines delays, we ended up going to bed at five in the morning, and we got up late. We went out the black towers of the Marriott, right on the Detroit river, and THE MONDINE WERE THERE, lining up for a boat ride on the river! A little jet lagged, but smiling. With them there was Andrea Zambelli, the director of the film about them (and a little about us, too) we are making together with Italian top-notch filmmaker Davide Ferrario.
The mondine in Detroit. After three years of tries, we managed to bring them to America. I am so proud of them, of Davide and Andrea who added extra momentum to the project by producing a film, of Steve Heath at SRO Artists… and of ourselves too. Whatever happens to FF in the future, the mondine are in Detroit. And it was us who brought them here. This is a result, one that no one can take away from us. Folk’s not dead, you see…