Tag Archives: america

On the road again

Siamo tornati a Detroit. La prossima tappa è Reno, Nevada, una città e uno stato in cui non abbiamo mai suonato.

Only after playing Blissfest in Harbour Springs did I really get the feeling we are on tour. It always takes a while to catch the tour wave! We’ve been six hours in a festival that lasted the whole weekend, but we were given a very warm welcome: we played two show, the second of which – on main stage – we really got everybody dancing: all of the audience, all of the crew, people in the administration office, everyone. As we got off stage we signed CDs for half an hour solid and ended up – surprise surprise – being the best selling artist at the festival’s CD tent. And this morning we go recognized in the café and a gentleman insisted for paying for our breakfast!

We are now back in Detroit. Next it’s Reno, Nevada, a city and a state we’ve never played before.

On the road

Molti chilometri e nuovi amici

Solo due righe frettolose scritte da una camera d’albergo a Flint, Michigan (è la città della General Motors, immortalata nel film “Roger and me” di Michael Moore). Finiti i giorni di riposo del dopo London stiamo facendo un sacco di chilometri: ieri abbiamo suonato ad Akron, in Ohio; dopo il concerto siamo ripartiti subito per (ri) passare il confine con il Canada di notte e arrivare a Toronto stamattina. Concerto a Toronto alle due, poi di nuovo in strada per arrivare domani nel primo pomeriggio a Harbour Springs, nel Michigan. Che fatica! Però ci divertiamo, i concerti sono belli e abbiamo conosciuto molta gente simpatica. Io sono rimasto molto colpito dall’Italian Festival of Summit di Akron (tecnicamente non è Akron ma Cuyahoga Falls), un evento organizzato dalla comunità italiana americana da ben 60 anni! Il grande capo è un immigrato di prima generazione, Giovanni Donatelli, di Roccaraso. Sono bravi e superaffettuosi, speriamo di rivederci presto. A Toronto Harbourfront è… Harbourfront. Bellissimo palco, crew superprofessionale, gran bel concerto. Grazie!

Many miles and new friends

Just a quick note from a hotel room in Flint, MI (it is the General Motors city, portrayed in Michael Moore’s “Roger and me”). After the long rest that followed Londo we are now driving a lot: yesterday we went from Niagra Falls to Akron and back immediately after the show, so we could cross the border (again) by night and get to Toronto this morning. We performed in Toronto at 2 p.m. and drove right off to get to Harbour Springs, MI, by lunchtime tomorrow. It’s hard! But we have fun, the shows have been good and we met a lot of nice people. I was very impressed by the Italian Festival of Summit in akron (technically it is Cuyahoga Falls), an event organized by the Italian American community that has been going for 60 years! The boss is a first-generation immigrant, Giovanni Donatelli from Roccaraso. They are professionals and superfriendly, I hope we will see them again. In Toronto Harbourfront is… Harbourfront. Great stage, top notch crew, excellent show. Thanks!