Tag Archives: Modena City Ramblers

Alberto, Cisco and Giovanni live in Pescara

Splendidi 40enni!

As anticipated, I’d like to tell you more about this show with Cisco and Giovanni Rubbiani. It’s very simple, really: since Cisco left Modena City Ramblers too he got us involved in his solo project, as songwriters and authors. We still really enjoy making music together, or simply hanging out together, after all these years! So I got Cisco and Gio involved in the last phase of a European development project that my company is doing in Pescara. We will prepare and perform a show together with the students of a training programme for young creatives. Performance day will be Saturday, December 1st. In between the show we will claim a little space to play some music as an acoustic trio, just Cisco, Giovanni and me. It will be a good excuse to spend some time together.

Ciao Luca

Questa notte, in un incidente stradale, è morto Luca Giacometti, detto “Gabibbo”, bouzoukista e mandolinista dei Modena City Ramblers. Luca è arrivato nei Ramblers dopo che ne ero uscito, e non posso dire di averlo conosciuto bene. Nonostante questo, è sempre triste quando un compagno d’armi se ne va. Alla sua famiglia e al gruppo le mie condoglianze e quelle dei Fiamma Fumana.