Tag Archives: old friends

Alberto, Cisco e Giovanni in concerto a Pescara

Splendidi 40enni!
Come promesso, volevo raccontarvi questa faccenda del concerto con Cisco e Giovanni Rubbiani. Funziona così: da quando anche Cisco ha lasciato i Modena City Ramblers ogni tanto ci coinvolge, sia come autori di canzoni che poi lui rielabora e canta sia come musicisti. La cosa è nata abbastanza per caso, quando, il 25 aprile di quest’anno, ci siamo confessati a vicenda quanto ci faccia ancora piacere stare insieme, dopo tutti questi anni! Così ho deciso di coinvolgere Cisco e Gio in una fase del progetto europeo che, con la mia società, sto realizzando da circa due anni a Pescara. Succederà questo: prepareremo uno spettacolo insieme ai ragazzi del corso creativi di Booster. I ragazzi suoneranno con noi sul palco dell’Auditorium De Cecco, sabato 1 dicembre; e, nel corso di questo show, ci ricaveremo un piccolo spazio per suonare un po’ in trio acustico, Gio, Cisco e io. Suoneremo un po’ di vecchi pezzi dei MCR, un po di pezzi di Cisco, forse qualche cosa nuova e forse qualche cover, vedremo. Come minimo sarà una buona scusa per stare un po’ insieme. Per informazioni, scrivete a Marco Colarossi.

Alberto, Cisco and Giovanni live in Pescara

Splendidi 40enni!

As anticipated, I’d like to tell you more about this show with Cisco and Giovanni Rubbiani. It’s very simple, really: since Cisco left Modena City Ramblers too he got us involved in his solo project, as songwriters and authors. We still really enjoy making music together, or simply hanging out together, after all these years! So I got Cisco and Gio involved in the last phase of a European development project that my company is doing in Pescara. We will prepare and perform a show together with the students of a training programme for young creatives. Performance day will be Saturday, December 1st. In between the show we will claim a little space to play some music as an acoustic trio, just Cisco, Giovanni and me. It will be a good excuse to spend some time together.

Back to Emilia

Wonderful night out among friends and music yesterday in my native Emilia Romagna. First, dinner in one of my favourite restaurants on Earth, La Lumira in Castelfranco Emilia, run by my old friend Carlo Alberto Borsarini and his family. Then, a quick visit to Bologna’s Festa dell’Unità to celebrate the final show in Cisco‘s tour. We got there at midnight, just in time to get on stage for the final set of encores! Stage and backstage were full of old friends: besides Cisco himself and Chiara, there were ex-Modena City Ramblers Giovanni Rubbiani on guitar and Massimo Giuntini on bouzouki and uileann pipe, Francesco Magnelli on piano (with the faithful Andrea, guitarist, and Marzio, drummer); Patrick Wright, fiddler in Dagda (one of Lady Jessica’s projects); Lele, Estragon’s manager, former tour manager with MCR; Cecca, who’s worked as agent both of MCR and of FF; Valeria “miss Myspace”, together with Daniela; and comrade Susanna Bottazzi, whom I had not seen in years, a truly unexpected and delightful surprise.
This is a gift of this age (I am 41): after all those years you turn back and – surprise – you see faces you know well. Some, true, have goptten lost and are missing, but a lot are still there, holding their ground; and you feel you have somehow been holding your own. And you realize that there people out there to whom you are bonded for good, no matter how far you go; and that the chunk of a lifetime behind your back, after all, has not been a waste of time.