Tag Archives: politiche pubbliche

Economista, ma concreto: Visioni Urbane consegna il prodotto (con contorno di Wikicrazia)

Gli economisti hanno fama di tendere al ragionamento astratto più che alla concretezza dell’azione. C’è un po’ di verità in questo luogo comune, tanto che nei dipartimenti di economia fiorisce il sottogenere delle barzellette sugli economisti. Questa, per esempio:

Un economista, dopo un naufragio, si ritrova su un’isola deserta. Si guarda intorno e vede una cassa di legno depositata sulla spiaggia dalla marea. La apre: è piena di scatolette di cibo, nutriente e a lunghissima conservazione! Purtroppo non ha nessuno strumento per aprirle: è forse condannato a morire di fame seduto di fronte a tutto quel cibo? L’economista non si perde d’animo e affronta il problema così: “Ipotizziamo di avere un apriscatole…”

Molti di noi soffrono per la mancanza di concretezza associata talvolta alla nostra professione. Per questo sono così contento di andare a Potenza venerdì 4: perché tre anni e mezzo fa il Ministero dello sviluppo economico mi ha chiesto di assistere la Regione Basilicata nell’elaborazione di una politica di spazi laboratorio per la creatività. Io ho insistito per prendere la strada, lunga e accidentata, del coinvolgimento dei creativi lucani; e oggi, finalmente, il primo spazio (si chiama Cecilia) è pronto, e gli altri quattro sono in consegna. Non solo gli spazi sono stati coprogettati insieme ai creativi di quel territorio; non solo sono sorretti da un’analisi dettagliata di quali imprese e associazioni creative, su quei territori, intendono fare con quegli spazi; ma sono integrati con un bando-tipo per l’assegnazione della gestione, concordato con i Comuni competenti, e con un modello di governance regionale delle politiche culturali.

Il progetto si chiama Visioni Urbane. Ne ho parlato spesso in questo blog. Mi dicono che ultimamente è diventato una specie di bandiera dell’amministrazione regionale; tanto che le associazioni chiedono ora lo stesso tipo di coinvolgimento in altre politiche, come l’istituzione della Film Commission, e la stessa amministrazione, forte del buon rapporto di collaborazione con i creativi, si è impegnata per lanciare la candidatura di Matera come capitale europea della cultura 2019. Non è un caso che la coordinatrice del progetto di candidatura sia Rossella Tarantino, il referente di VU, e che anche il direttore scientifico, Paolo Verri, sia stato “pescato” dalle personalità che hanno collaborato con VU.

Di Visioni Urbane parlo molto nel mio libro Wikicrazia, e l’inaugurazione di Cecilia conterrà, tra le altre cose, una presentazione del libro. Ma quello è il meno: pregusto l’emozione di toccare con mano una policy che ho contribuito a progettare, e che è diventata molto concreta, tanto che mi ci posso sedere dentro per ascoltare un concerto. Per un economista è una soddisfazione relativamente rara.

The practical economist: Visioni urbane delivers the goods (with a side of Wikicracy)

Economists are commonly deemed to be more prone to abstract reasoning than to concrete action. There must be a grain of truth in this, because it is quite common to hear economists jokes in Economics Departments. This one, for example:

After a shipwreck, an economist ends up stranded on a desert island. He looks around and sees a wooden box, washed upon the shore by the waves. He opens it: it is full of canned food, nutritious and long-lasting! However, he does not have any tools to open the cans: is he doomed to starve amidst abundance? The economist does not lose his cool, and he tackles the problem the way his profession tas taught to to: “Assume I have a can-opener…”

Many of us yearn for concreteness. This is why I am so happy to fly to Potenza on Friday 4th: in May 2007 the Ministry of Economic Development asked me to help the Basilicata regional administration in designing a policy to build creative spaces, and now the first space (called Cecilia) is here, and the other four will follow in a matter of months. Not only have they been designed chiefly by the local creatives that are going to use them; they also come with clear guidelines for being turned over to private sector– and third sector entities or running them, which the competent local authorities have signed off to; and are integrated with a pretty advanced governance model of the Region’s cultural policy.

The project is called Visioni Urbane. I have dealt with it before. I’m told it’s becoming some sort of flagship project for the regional adiministration; the “Visioni Urbane method” is being demanded on tackling other policies (for example setting up a regional Film Commission), and the administration itself is building upon the partnership with the creatives created within Visioni Urbane to launch Matera’s bid for European Culture Capital 2019. It is no coincidence that the person in charge of Visioni Urbane, Rossella Tarantino, has been appointed as coordinator of that bid; and another Visioni veteran, Paolo Verri, is serving as scientific director.

My book Wikicrazia contains a lot of Visioni Urbane war stories, and the grandopening of Cecilia will include a book presentation. But what I’m really looking forward to is the joy of witnessing a policy that I helped to develop go live, live and so concrete that I can actually sit and listen to a concert in it. For an economist, this is a thrill, alas, all too rare.

The learning State: integrating social innovation into mainstream policy

I joined a Council of Europe workgroup on Quality job creation through social links and social innovation (the social innovation part is a recent add to the group’s name, and I think I am partly responsible for the add). One of the issues we are discussing is this: given that there is an interesting group of people who started calling themselves social innovators; given that these people seem to have potential for improving the society they (and we) live in; given that they look like a new kind of social and economic agent, as such requiring a new kind of public policy – the ones in place for firms and nonprofit orgs might not work in their case; given all this, it follows that public authorities might soon be required to do new things, perhaps radically new ones. That’s great; but how do public authorities actually learn?

This looks like a relevant question to me. I have worked on pilot government initiatives hailed by some as innovative, like Kublai or Visioni Urbane; the challenge they now face is integration into mainstream policy, becoming a part of the default arsenal for their parent authorities to do their job. Thanks to the Council of Europe’s support I have been able to look deeper into the issue. My provisional conclusion is that the prevailing learning model for public authorities is rational-Weberian and way off the mark. Here’s how it works:

  • a new issue, after its importance has been validated by the scientific community, gains importance in the eye of the public opinion.
  • politicians, competing for votes, include it in the list of issues they promise to tackle once elected.
  • after taking office, representatives embed action to be taken thereabout into law.
  • new law is enacted into policy

This model is elegant but useless. It only works if (1) alternative courses of actions can be identified, discussed and selected already in the democratic debate phase; (2) the electorate has effective means to enforce their pact with its representatives, constraining them to keep their promise by making law; (3) law enactment is “linear”, i.e. a law translates unambiguously in a course of action at the level of the executive branch (the main tool for law enactment is generally assumed to be the impersonal, rational Weberian bureaucracy); (4) and policy is a one way street: government acts upon society, trying to mould it according to its goals, whereas society does not exert any influence on government, save through the democratic process. None of this is even remotely true.

So what? So it makes more sense to abandon Weber and the mechanism metaphor for framing governance, and embrace an ecosystem metaphor instead. I propose to look at public authorities as complex adapive systems, coevolving with society and the economy. Teaching them to deal with social innovation – or anything they never experienced before – means helping them to think of economic and social agents as driven by evolutionary forces that reward the fittest. Policy, then, works best by shaping the fitness landscape, and letting agents work their way through it towards the desired outcome. It is a policy that enables and incentivizes agents to give input, rather than forcing outcomes top-down. This has clear implication for designing policies in practice. One of them is that a constitutional architecture that enables bottom-up learning (like Common law) is inherently superior to one that does not.

If you care about this topic, you can read the paper: the Council of Europe authorized me to share it online. Thanks to Gilda Farrell and Fabio Ragonese for the kind concession.